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     Time       Activities / Topics

     09:30         Registration

                     Morning Session                           

                     Morning Session                           


Opening Address


Keynote Speech 1: Driving Hong Kong Forward in the Age of 5G and Innovation



Keynote Speech 2: Role of Government in the digital age



Souvenir Presentation & Group Photo


Mr M D CARR, OBE FREng BSc(Eng) HonDTech CEng FIET

President, IET

Hon Charles MOK, JP

Member of the Legislative Council

(Functional Constituency - Information Technology)

Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok, SBS, MH, JP

Member of the Legislative Council

(Functional Constituency - Engineering)

Ir Raymond LUI


Informatics and Control Technologies Section,

IET Hong Kong

     11:00          Morning Break (20 mins)


Speech 1: Mission Critical Intelligence for Public Safety


Principal Architect,

Next Generation Experience,

Public Safety Solutions, APAC,

Motorola Solutions Singapore Pte. Ltd.


Speech 2: 5G and IoT Innovation and Application


Mr William TSE

Head of Strategic Engagement, 

Hong Kong,Taiwan, Macau,



Speech 3: Building the Foundation for the Digital World

Mr Anson TANG

Chief Technology Officer,

Enterprise Business Group,

Huawei International Co., Limited

     12:50          Lunch

                     Afternoon Session                           


Speech 4: Deep Learning and Its Applications in Machine Perception

Dr Man-Wai MAK

Associate Professor, Department of EIE,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 


Speech 5: Smart Airport - Connecting our Future

Mr Allan WONG

Deputy Chief Information Officer,

Airport Authority Hong Kong

     15:30         Afternoon Break (20 mins)


Speech 6: The Value of Real Time Subsurface Insight: Internet of Things in Constrcuction Works

Mr Remon POT

Global Product Owner Digital Platforms,

Fugro Land Site Characterisation and Consulting


Speech 7: 20th year of Apache Software - The world's leading Open Source Software Foundation 


Closing Speech

Mr Tony CHAN

Chief Technology Officer,

EmblocSoft (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Ir Joseph LAI

Chairman, Organising Committee,

ICT Conference 2019, and

Vice Chairman,

Informatics and Control Technologies Section,

IET Hong Kong

     17:00         End of Conference

* The organiser reserves the rights to change the speaker(s) and/or the programme contents without prior notice.

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