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Fee and Registration

The conference fee is as follow:

       HK$900 for Non-members
       HK$700 for members of the IET or the supporting organisations or the sponsor companies
       HK$750 for Early Bird Offer (Registered and paid on or before 29 March 2019 
       (fee including refreshments, lunch and a set of abstracts)
No refund or deduction of fee can be made for cancellation but a substitute delegate is permitted.
CPD Certificate will be available to the registrants.  

Registration form is available here              . Completed registration form with a crossed cheque payable to "The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong” with marking "ICTC2019" at the back of the cheque should be sent to “The IET Hong Kong Office, 4405-4406 Cosco Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong” on or before 5 April 2019.
For further information, please contact for the following persons:-

Payment and Registration - Ms Dodi Mak, Tel: (+852) 2778 1611

Programme and Other matters - Mr Joe Wan, E-mail:
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© 2019 Informatics and Control Technologies Section of The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong



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