
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong is the largest local Network of the IET with more than 5,800 members. To better address a broad range of members' needs, the Hong Kong Network has six Section Committees and a Younger Members Section to organise activities of different professional subjects. Informatics and Control Technologies (ICT) Section of IET Hong Kong, formerly Specialised Section of Computing & Control, is the professional Section of IET Hong Kong and was formed in 1993. It became the C&C Specialised Section in 1997. The ICT Section reports directly to The IET Hong Kong Branch Committee with a high degree of independence in arranging activities that address the members' needs in the ICT arena.The missions of the ICT Section are:
To facilitate information and experience sharing among members in the ICT field;
To promote the Informatics and Control Technologies researches and applications in Hong Kong and Mainland China;
To foster the relationship among learnt societies of similar nature in the region.
The organiser would like to give vote of thanks to all supporting organisations for the event of ICT Conference:-
British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section)
HKIE CA Division
HKIE IT Division
Hong Kong Linux Industry Association
IEEE Hong Kong Section CMPT HK Chapter
IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter
Intelligent Transportation Systems Hong Kong
Information and Software Industry Association
Information Technology Joint Council (ITJC)
ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter
Smart City Consortium