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Organising Committee

Honorary Advisors:                    Dr Jolly Wong

                                                   Mr Henry Cheung

                                                   Hon Charles Mok, JP


Chairman:                                  Dr WK Yeung


Vice-Chairman:                          Mr Dennis Lin


Honorary Secretary:                   Mr Jason Tang


Honorary Treasurer:                   Mr Raymond Lui


Conference MC:                         Mr Olaf Li


Sponsors Leader:                       Mr YC Fong


Speakers Coordinator:               Ms Justina Ho and Mr Anthony Kwan

Supporting Organization:            Mr Joseph Lai


Conference Coordination:           Mr Victor Chan


Publication & Logistic:                 Mr Alex Lai, Mr Ivan Lam, Mr Stephen Lai, Jeff SUN,

                                                    Dr Jacob Cheung, Mr Joe Wan, Mr Clarence Lim,

                                                    Mr Jason Ho, Dr Owen Law,and Mr Lollis Tang


Promotion Channel & Website:   Mr Wallace Poon


Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors:

Supporting Organisations:

© 2017 Informatics and Control Technologies Section of The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong

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