Young Woman Engineer of The Year Award
The IET Hong Kong 工程及科技學會香港分會
Women Engineer Entrepreneurship in 25 years of HKSAR Establishment

Opening Ceremony @ Training Room 1 & 2, 4/F Core E, Cyberport 3
29 July 2022 (Friday) 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Speakers for Opening Ceremony

Ms Yvonne WONG
(General Manager
Qianhai International Liaison Services Limited
Ms. Yvonne Wong also keens on youth affairs and development. She encouraged Hong Kong youth to start their own business in the Greater Bay Area through different lectures and talks on the policies and measures to facilitate the development of Hong Kong Youths in Mainland China.
Ms WONG is now the General Manager of Qianhai International Liaison Services Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shenzhen Qianhai Authority) and she has been organizing the Qianhai Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for 7 years.
Ms WONG is also active in social services. Currently, she is the Vice President of Internet Professional Association, Chairman of the Hong Kong United Youth Science and Technology Association, Director of eHealth Consortium Limited, Vice Chairman of the Y.Elites Association, Founder of Youth Alliance of GBA Industry Innovation, Vice Chairman of Elsie Tu Education Fund, Director and Vice Chairman of The Greater Bay Area 5G Industry Alliance, Vice Chairman of Vetting Committee of the Pilot Information Technology Development Matching Fund Scheme for Travel Agents.
For the services in mainland China, Ms WONG is the member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Harbin City and the invited member and executive member of Guangdong Women's Federation Hong Kong District. She is the jury member and National Expert (China) of World Summit Awards.
With Ms. Wong’s dedicated contribution to the society , she was awarded the Young Leaders Award in 2008 and Outstanding Second Career Award in 2009.
現職前海管理局屬下的前海國際聯絡服務有限公司總經理關心青年發展。 她連續多年籌辦前海青年創新創業大賽,鼓勵香港青年在大灣區創業,她亦積極主講不同有關大灣區創業的講座,分享大灣區青年創業政策。
黃麗芳女士熱心服務社會, 擔任多項公職。 當中包括 香港青聯科技協會主席、香港菁英會副主席、互聯網專業協會副會長、大灣區産業創新青年聯盟發起人、杜葉錫恩教育基金副主席、大灣區 5G 産業聯盟董事兼副主席、電子健康聯 盟董事、旅行社資訊科技發展配對基金先導計劃評審委員會副主席等。她也是哈爾濱市政協委員 、 廣東省婦女聯合會港區特邀委員及執委 、 世界訊息峰會大獎評委及國家專家委員。
黃麗芳女士積極貢獻社會,令她獲選爲 2008 年 青年領袖 及 2009 年 傑出義職人士。

Ms Queenie SO
Founder and CEO of SyZyGy Limited
Miss Queenie SO is the Founder & CEO of SyZyGy, a Cyberport incubated creative tech company specializing in 3D experience created with extended reality (XR) and hologram technology. She believes that Metaverse is by nature a milestone of technologies that can connect every aspect of life and eventually everyone. Therefore together with her global team, she has been enabling clients from multiple sectors through providing technological solutions, including Art Tech solutions, that can bring a better experience to users. While leading the team to continuously gain several industry recognitions, Queenie is also personally being recognized by Gen.T List as the 2021 honouree.
Before tech start up experience, Queenie is a social entrepreneur focusing on cognitive health and wellbeing domain. Her past social entrepreneurial project was selected by Clinton Global Initiative. With a long-term advocacy in building a better world through tech and social innovation, she has recently led the team to adopt CSV approach by expanding the service offering to help with local tech talent cultivation and STEM education, as well as improve elderly wellbeing.
Other than entrepreneurial experiences, she has also worked in management consulting & legal industry. As a classically trained pianist, opera singer & Argentine tango dancer, Queenie is an avid lover of arts & culture.
蘇冠嵐小姐是現任十曜工房科技有限公司 (SyZyGy Limited) 的創辦人及行政總裁。十曜工房科技為香港數碼港孵化的創意科技公司,而團隊的專項領域為以延展實境(extended reality)及全息(hologram)技術打造 3D 體驗。她相信元宇宙實為科技發展的里程碑,為所有能連結生活每一環乃至每一個人的科技方案的總和結果。因此,她帶領團隊提供能切合不同行業需求的科技方案,包括藝術科技範疇,為客戶創造良好的甚至能重新定義感知的用戶體驗。蘇小姐曾獲選登上 Gen.T List 2021。
在從事科創前,蘇冠嵐小姐是一名關注在認知及身心健康領域的社會企業家。她過去參與的項目曾獲選 Clinton Global Initiative。蘇冠嵐小姐相信通過科技及社會創新可以改善社會,也因此在近年開啟了 CSV 的戰略,將科技服務拓展到能有助本地科技人才培養、STEM 教育,乃至老人健康的業務版塊。