Our Organising Committe
Honorary Advisors
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai-kwok, GBS, MH, JP
The Hon Duncan CHIU
Ir John CHAN Kwan-wing
Dr Jolly WONG
Mr Joe WAN
To be assigned
Ir Henry YUEN
Mr Jeff SUN
Membership Drive
Mr Ben LI
Sponsor Coordinator
Ir Jason TANG, Mr Jeff SUN, Ir Alex LAI
Speakers Coordinator
Ir Alex LAI, Ir Jason TANG, Mr Jeff SUN, Ir Raymond LUI
Supporting Organization
Mr Brian WONG, Ir Anthony KWAN, Mr Jason CHAN,
Mr David YIU, and Mr Charlie WONG
Floor Management
Mr Heinz YAN, Ir Teresa WONG
Publication & Logistic
Dr WK YEUNG, Dr Owen LAW, and Ir Dr Manson FU
Promotion Channel & Website
Ir Wallace POON
Souvenir and Certificate
Ir Teresa WONG, and Mr Paul HO
Registration Coordinator
Mr Herbert LEUNG
Food & Beverage
Ir Joseph LAI
Mr Anders WONG, and Miss Cherry SUN