Speakers of ICT Conference 2022

Hon Duncan CHIU
Legislative Council Member
(Functional Constituency - Technology & Innovation)
Duncan has committed to technology and innovation development for nearly 20 years. He is not only a tech
entrepreneur but also a veteran investor, as well as an influential advocator of local I&T policies. He often speaks at forums and conferences to promote start-up culture and helps young entrepreneurs with workshops and mentorship.

Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok, GBS, MH, JP
Legislative Council Member
(Functional Constituency - Engineering)
Dr LO is very active in the community and has served many government organizations, professional bodies and trade associations. He was President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in the session 2007/08 and was a Sha Tin District Councilor for many years.

Dr Lawrence POON
General Manager, Smart City Division,
Hong Kong Productivity Council
As a leader of both HKPC’s Smart City Division and Automotive Platforms and Application Systems (APAS) R&D Centre, Dr Lawrence Poon managed to steer the applied research activities and commercialization of R&D results in Hong Kong and GBA markets with focus on A.I, Robotics, Smart mobility, EV, Autonomous driving, GeronTech and Metaverse.

Mr Alvin LIM
Senior Manager, Business Development Asia Pacific,
Motorola Solutions
Alvin and his team spearhead the business development efforts for Motorola Solutions’ systems business in the Asia Pacific, and he is a regular speaker at industry events. Alvin’s experience includes research & development, product management, systems engineering, bid management, project management, business development and project finance.

Prof. Hay WONG
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech. & Automat. Engg.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. WONG’s research interests include metal 3D printing, quality control, and instrument development. His work so far has earned him 2 granted US patents, 2 IET Innovation Awards in 2019, and 8 published peer-reviewed journal articles. His current research on laser powder bed fusion monitoring is supported by the RGC Early-Career Scheme Grant.

Mr Jack YIM
Cloud Solutions Architect,
Huawei Cloud
Mr Jack Yim is now a Cloud Solutions Architect of HUAWEI. Experienced in the research and development of Artificial Intelligence, Data analysis and Cloud Computing, he provides cloud native consultation & enablement for enterprises customers and partners to help them modernize applications for faster growth on HUAWEI CLOUD and achieve their business success.

Ir Dr Ringo YAU
Cosmic Commercial Services Limited
Ir Dr YAU is an entrepreneur with a proven record of in the Asia Pacific regional with 30+ years experience in security systems, software programming, serving global 500 companies. His expertise is in Security Systems, Electronic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Mr Lewis FUNG
Cosmic Commercial Services Limited
Mr Lewis FUNG is an entrepreneur with a track record of success in the Asia Pacific regional with 25+ years experience, data technology, cloud software, and IT services industries, as well as Fortune 500 and Hong Kong listing firm experience. His expertise is in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Professional Services, Software as a Service (SaaS), and Business Development.

Dr Charles K C CHEUNG
Senior Data Scientist and Deputy Director,
NVIDIA AI Technology Center Hong Kong (NVAITC)
Dr Charles CHEUNG is currently a Deputy Director in NVIDIA AI Technology Center Hong Kong. He obtained the bachelor’s degree and PhD degree in applied and computational mathematics from Hong Kong Baptist University. His research focuses on computational science, partial differential equations, computer vision and artificial intelligence.